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 Home > Community
OpenPEC project is open to discussions and contributes from everybody, therefore it uses some instruments for networking cooperation, both between developers and between project users who want to exchange their ideas and/or contribute actively to OpenPEC.

Mailing List

Every mailing list has its address similar to openpec-nome@lists.sourceforge.net and all of them require a subscription in order to be used.
To control personal settings you can send messagges to the address openpec-nome-request@lists.sourceforge.net or use the following links on the web.

List Name Description
openpec-announce News and announces ( available archives)
openpec-users Discussions and user support ( available archives)
openpec-devel Developers support list ( available archives)

To subscribe any of OpenPEC mailing lists, you can simply follow the links in the previous scheme, or click here and follow the instructions on your screen.



server: irc.freenode.org
channel: #openpec



flazan - ICQ: #241547295 - Istant Message



You can contact the project manager sending an email to the following address. Obviously there are other methods to solve the problems that each time you can run into, so please before conctacting the project manager check the following points:

  1. Did you read the available documentation?
  2. Did you check the FAQ?
  3. Did you search the mailing lists archives for a solution to your problem?
  4. Did you subscribe the proper mailing list and asked for help?

After the list check, if you still have your problem, you can contact the project manager at the following address:

project.manager at openpec dot org

Press questions (absolutely NOT for support reasons) should be sent to the following address:

press at openpec dot org

For commercial informations, see "Commercial solutions"